Welfare & Socio-cultural support besides the tourism activities

Besides the tourism activities based in Mandalay, the key persons of Myanmar Upper Land | culture & travel [MUL] profoundly engaged in the protection and safeguarding of Cultural Heritage in Myanmar with the professional support of the local and international cultural network.

On that regard, MUL’s primary interests were (and still are) in promoting and preserving a long-standing tradition in Myanmar performing arts.

Gradually these local cultural activities were further developed, culminating from 2000 onwards in activities such as workshops and performances, nationally as well as internationally.

According to the needs of the cultural community in Myanmar especially in Mandalay, MUL started both tangible and intangible cultural activities together with cultural related International Organizations to contribute to the conservation and safeguarding of traditional performing arts in Myanmar since last 2009. 

With those aspirations above, MUL has successfully finished several restoration projects which were mostly related to the tangible cultural heritage of the disaster area.

In the field of Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property

2008 Nargis Cyclone in Irrawaddy delta, 2010 Giri Cyclone in Rakhine state, 2012 Flashflood in Pakokku township and 2013-14 Earthquake in Sint-Gu and Thapaikkyin townships, MUL organized the culture related projects which were mostly associated with the tangible cultural heritage of the disaster area in Myanmar and supported the relevant communities. Those projects are funded by the Cultural Emergency Response (CER) program under the Prince Claus Fund, the Netherlands.

In the area of Performing Arts

2015 until 2016, MUL professionally coordinated of a large project called “Safeguarding the Traditional Myanmar Marionettes Performing Arts.” The project was funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) with collaboration from the “Goethe Institut” Myanmar.

As part of this project, a book and a “Myanmar marionette DVD-Rom” on all aspects of Myanmar puppetry were developed meant for teaching purposes and the sustainability of this art.


Travel & Booking Information of Myanmar Upper Land